alcoholism - alcoholismo
anarchist - anarquista
and - y
anthrax - a'ntrax
ash tray - cenicero
ass - culo
assult - asalto
atheist - ateo
attack - asalto
ax - hacha
bandit - bandino
bomb - bomba
but - pero
butt - culo
cigarette - cigarrillo
cigarette lighter - mechero
cocaine - cocai'na
cocaine, unpurified - basuco
communist - comunista
copper - cobre
democrat - demo'crata
demon - demonio
demopublican - see republican
devil - diablo
dirty - cochino
dog - perro
dollar - do'lar
drug - droga
drug addiction - drogadiccio'n
drug tunnel - narcotu'nel
drunk - cohete
dung - basura
explosive - explosivo
filthy - cochino
fraud - fraude
freedom - libertad
freeloader - gorro'n
garbage - basura
god - dios
gold - oro
gonad - go'nada
grief - luto
guerrilla warfare - guerrilla
gunpowder - po'lvora
hatred - odio
heathen - pagano
heaven - cielo
hell - infierno
ICBM - misil bali'stico intercontinental
ice - hielo
ice-cream - helado
ice-pick - piolet
idiot - idiota
if - si
intercontinental ballistic missile - misil bali'stico intercontinental
iron - hierro
jail - ca'rcel
juggling - malabares
lard - manteca de cerdo
lead - plomo
libertarian - libertario
liberty - libertad
manure - basura
match - cerilla
match box - cajita de cerillas
mayor - alcalde
medicine - droga
money - dinero
monkey - mono
mourning - luto
mouse - rato'n
murder victim - asesinado
narcotic - narco'tico
nazi - nazi
nazi - nazista
net - red
outlaw - bandino
pain - dolar
Phoenix - Fe'nix
pig - cerdo
pig - cochino
pig-iron - hierro
pistol - cohete
plastic surgery - cirugi'a pla'stica
police - polici'a
police officer - cochino
pork - cerdo
prickly pear - tuna
prison - ca'rcel
radioactive waste - basura radioactiva
rapist - violador
recycling - reciclaje
refuge - albergue
refuse - basura
religion - religio'n, see superstition
republican - republicano
republicrat - see democrat
robbery - robo
rocket - cohete
rubbish - basura
sawed off shotgun - recortada
shelter - albergue
shit - caca
silly - bobo
silver - plata
soap - jabo'n
socialist - socialista
steel - acero
superman - superhombre
superstition - supersticio'n
surgery - cirugi'a
sweat - sudor
terrorist - terrorista
toilet - ban~o
Tokyo - Toki'o
torture - tortura
torture victim - torturado
trench coat - guerrera
tunnel - tu'nel
turmoil - tumulto
unpurified cocaine - basuco
urine - orina
war - guerra
yes - si'
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