# print header stuff
print "Content-type: text/html", "\n\n";
print "<html>";
print "<body background=\"nevada.gif\">";
#define stuff to send email with
#is required for tripod sites to send e-mail
require TripodMail;
$mail = new TripodMail;
#define stuff to grab data entered on form
#is required for tripod sites to get information
#typed into form
require TripodCGI;
use CGI;
$cgi = new CGI;
#get users email address, subject of letter and letters text
# $formname name of disk file with model on how to send email
# this file must exist or we cant send the email
if ($debugflag eq 'y' ) {
print "debug_flag='$debugflag'<br>";
print "formname='$formname'<br>";
print "replyto='$replyto'<br>";
print "frommail='$frommail'<br>";
print "subject='$subject'<br>";
print "text='$text'<br>";
print "title='$title'<br>";
print "the_file='$the_file'<br>";
print "thefile='$thefile'<br>";
if ( ! -e $formname ) {
print "ERROR mail form file '$formname' does not exist<p>";
print "ERROR to fix either<p>";
print "<ol>";
print "<li>Some idiot deleted the file $formname so someone must recreate the file";
print "<li>The program has a bug and you must get the programmer to fix it.";
print "</ol>";
if ( ! -e $thefile ) {
print "ERROR mail form file '$thefile' does not exist<p>";
print "ERROR thats odd because the script that calls this program does a ls $filename<p>";
print "ERROR your probably calling this program out of sequence<p>";
#if the variable $text is null or blank
# its the 1st time the program has been run
# and we must display the form, or the
# user has clicked on the submit button with
# out entering any text. againg we must display the
# form
if ($text =~ /^ *$/ ) {
print "ERROR no text entered. \$text is blank<p>";
if ($debugflag eq 'y' ) {
print "validate user inputs<p>";
#if $text is not blank or null they entered
#some text they want to send as an email
#dont let them send the email if
# $subject is blank
# $from is blank
$frommail=~s/ //g;
$replyto=~s/ //g;
if ($frommail =~ /^ *$/ ) {
print "You must enter a From: address<p>";
else {
if ($frommail !~ /[^@]@[^@]/ ) {
print "From: address must contain an @ surronded by userid and server<p>";
print "'$frommail' is invalid<p>";
#if a Reply-To: address was entered valiate it
if ($replyto !~ /^ *$/i ) {
if ($replyto !~ /[^@]@[^@]/ ) {
print "Reply-TO: address must contain an @ surronded by userid and server<p>";
print "'$replyto' is invalid<p>";
if ($subject =~ /^ *$/ ) {
print "You must enter a subject<p>";
if ($errors > 0 ) {
print "you had errors!!!<p>";
print "</html>";
open(BCC,$thefile) or print "ERROR cant open '$thefile'<p>";
# read in all the names to bcc
#for each name make a line that says
# BCC: name
if ( $replyto =~ /^ *$/ ) {
else {
$bcc="Reply-To: $replyto\n";
foreach $x (@bcc) {
$bcc=$bcc."BCC: $x";
# print the names in debug mode
if ($debugflag eq 'y' ) {
print "bcc list=<p><pre>";
print "$bcc";
print "</pre>";
#build the stinking hash which is used by
#the tripod software to send the email
%hash = (
'frommail', $frommail ,
'bcc', $bcc ,
'subject', $subject ,
'text', $text
#use one stinking back slash for the \%hash
if ($debugflag eq 'y' ) {
print "before sendmail<p>";
#send the stinking email
if ($rc == 1 ) {
print "Mail has been sent to all email address in $thefile<br>";
print "$i emails send<p>";
else {
print "Error sending Mail to addresss in file $thefile<p>";
print "Error rc=$rc <p>";
print "</html>";
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