Date: Wed, 28 Aug 2002 16:26:37 -0700 From: ("Kevin R. Spidel") Subject: [aiarizona] A New Greater Phoenix List! To:, AMNESTYNAU@LISTS.NAU.EDU ("AMNESTYNAU") Reply-To:
In order to maximize the effectiveness of this list We have created three geographical lists as well as th state wide list! For info on how to join the Southern Arizona listserv, please visit AI UA website @
For Northern Arizona, please join the listserv at NAU's site @
And now the newest Central (Greater Phoenix) listserv @
Please feel free to send any info relater to NAU or Northern Arizona to the NAU listserv, as well as Southern to UA, and Greater Phoenix to Amnesty Phoenix list. We want to send info ONLY statewide related to AIARIZONA@YAHOOGROUPS.COM
I hope this helps! Please sign up to all or any as soon as possible! Cheers!
PS If you not a member of the statewide listserv it is located at
Kevin R. Spidel Arizona State Death Penalty Field Organizer Amnesty International, USA Western Regional Office
P.O. Box 33126 Phoenix, AZ 85067-3126 Voicemail/Fax Toll Free @ (877) 571-4190 Field AI Phone: (602) 373-6990 'Amnesty International opposes the death penalty in all cases, regardless of questions of guilt or innocence, the seriousness of the crime, the existence or absence of mitigating evidence, or the method used by the state to kill the prisoner. The organization believes that every death sentence is an affront to human dignity, and every execution a symptom of a culture of violence rather than a solution to it.'< nguages.gif >